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发布时间:2025-02-07 00:04:01  点击量:704

本文摘要:Elon Musk unveiled his underground transportation tunnel last Tuesday, allowing reporters and invited guests to take some of the first rides in the revolutionary albeit bumpy subterranean tube -- the tech entrepreneurs answer to what he calls soul-destroying traffic.上周二,埃隆·马斯克揭露了他打造出的地下交通隧道的谜样面纱,容许记者和应邀嘉宾沦为这条尽管摇晃但极具革命性的地下管道的首批乘客。

Elon Musk unveiled his underground transportation tunnel last Tuesday, allowing reporters and invited guests to take some of the first rides in the revolutionary albeit bumpy subterranean tube -- the tech entrepreneurs answer to what he calls soul-destroying traffic.上周二,埃隆·马斯克揭露了他打造出的地下交通隧道的谜样面纱,容许记者和应邀嘉宾沦为这条尽管摇晃但极具革命性的地下管道的首批乘客。这位科技企业家期望利用这种地下隧道来医治他所说的“毁坏灵魂的交通”。Guests boarded Musks Tesla Model S and rode along the tunnel.客人们攀上一辆特斯拉Model S,沿着隧道兜风。

The demo rides were considerably slower -- 64 km per hour -- than what Musk says the future system will run at: 240 km per hour.尽管马斯克回应,未来这一轨道系统的时速将超过240公里,但预约时汽车的时速要快得多,仅有为64公里。The car jostled significantly during the ride, which was bumpy enough to give one reporter motion sickness.汽车在行经过程中摇晃深感,造成一名预约的记者开始晕车。

Musk touted the newly finished 1.83 km tunnel segment as a breakthrough in low-cost, fast-digging technology being pioneered by his nascent tunneling firm, the Boring Company.马斯克赞扬这段长1.83公里的隧道是他初创的隧道挖出公司“无趣公司”在低成本、较慢挖出技术上的突破。Musk put the total price tag for the finished segment at about $10 million, including the cost of excavation, internal infrastructure, lighting, ventilation, safety systems, communications and a track.马斯克回应,这段竣工隧道的总耗资大约为1000万美元,其中还包括挖出、内部基础设施、灯光、通风、安全性系统、通讯和轨道的成本。By comparison, he said, digging a mile of tunnel by traditional engineering methods costs up to $1 billion and takes three to six months to complete.他回应,相比之下,用传统工程方法挖出一英里宽的隧道,成本高约10亿美元,必须3到6个月才能已完成。



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